Who is Richard Appel Jr ?

Richard Appel, Jr. was a stock promoter for 6 years and made a living suckering others into bad investments. He was the originator of dozens of pump and dumps before discovered an anomaly in the penny stock market and gave it all up to start the Pre Promotion Stocks newsletter.

For many years fanancial advisers have agreed that penny stocks offer the highest risks and highest rewards among all investments.

But one former insider is reducing the ‘risk’ out of penny stock investing with his brand new Pre Promotion Stocks premium newsletter.


In a recent online survey of 500 participants considering themselves “very active” penny stock traders, 84% of those polled selected the “Pre Promotion Stocks” newsletter as the preferred trading strategy when compared to another incredibly popular penny stock newsletter. “My trading strategy is all about speculating on the next promoted stock. If you’re able to buy a particular stock before it’s promoted, your likelihood of profiting on that trade increases tremendously versus buying penny stocks while they are being promoted,” said Appel.

An intersting discvovery by Richard Appel revealed that 73% of promoted stocks gained at least 40% in the 30 days prior to being promoted. Using that knowledge and everything he learned during his tenure as a stock promoter, Richard Appel started predicting upcoming stock promotions with a success rate in excess of 90%.

That means for every 10 stocks he picked, 9 of them went on to be promoted by paid newsletters. This is by far the best trading system for penny stock traders looking to get an edge when trading promoted stocks and for 75 premium subscribers, Richard Appel is the goose that lays golden eggs.

 For more info click: http://ezurl.cc/prepromotion

